MPNP 曼省省提名
MPNP 项目介绍
曼省政府通过曼尼托巴省提名计划积极征求中国移民。曼尼托巴省提名计划通过候选人的英语水平, 就业机会及适应能力甄选可以在曼省成功地安居乐业的技术移民。曼尼托巴逐渐成为中国移民趋之若鹜的定居地有几个主要原因: 曼省强健的经济, 优美的自然风光, 清新的生态环境, 以及闲适、实惠的生活方式。曼尼托巴的中国社区强健而稳固。当地拥有中国文化、教育、社团组织。服务华人的中文报纸, 网媒。华人餐馆, 便利店在当地星罗棋布, 各种面向华人的商业服务一应俱全。
1. 技术移民 Skilled Workers
- 技术移民曼省境内类别 Skilled Workers in Manitoba
o 曼省留学毕业生类别
o 有雇主offer的技术工人类别
- 技术移民曼省境外类别 Skilled Workers Overseas
o 亲友 family or friends
o 曼省学习或工作经历 past education or employment
o 曼省邀请 invitation of the MPNP
2. 商业移民 Business
1. 技术移民:
A. 曼省境内技术移民申请类别: 当前居住在曼省境内并且持有曼省雇主offer的外国临时工和从曼省大学毕业的国际留学生可以申请此类别。申请人可以通过提供持续的曼省工作(Ongoing Manitoba Employment)来证明与曼省有强大的联系。
- 给你长期offer的公司与你之前满足半年的工作经验所在公司必须为同一公司;
- 满足职位要求的学历资质,包括培训/教育以及其他要求的注册或证书;
- 满足 job-ready English,需要证明英语或法语能力满足工作要求;
- 与曼省的联系要强于其他省;
- 在定居计划中,证明自己打算在曼省长期定居、工作以及建立工作和家庭生活的意向。
- 曾经在曼省的公共机构或者注册过的私人职业/高等教育机构参加过授权的教育或者培训(语言课程除外);
- 学术/职业课程是全日制并且至少一学年;
- 成功地完成学习计划,并且获得了文凭,学位或证书;
- 已经替为你提供永久全职工作的雇主连续工作了至少6个月;
- 持有CIC签发的有效的毕业后工作许可;
- 与曼省的联系要强于其他省;
- 在定居计划中,证明自己打算在曼省长期定居、工作以及建立工作和家庭生活的意向;
- 具有满足职位要求的学历和英法语言能力。
B. 曼省境外技术工人申请类别: 申请曼省省提名海外技工,申请人必须证明与曼省有 established connection,可以是在曼省有亲属或者朋友,有过曼省学习或工作经验,或者获得了曼省政府的邀请,另外还要满足曼省评分标准的60分。
a) 曼省支持 Manitoba Support: 指的是已经在曼省定居的申请人的朋友或者亲属,愿意且有能力审查和签署申请人的定居和就业计划。支持人必须是申请人的近亲属,或者朋友/远亲。
b) 曼省工作经验 Manitoba Experience: 曼省工作经验主要是指之前在曼省作为外国临时工或者留学生时的工作经验。曼省工作经验是曼省联系,除了这个,申请人还需达到曼省评分标准。
c) 曼省邀请 Manitoba Invitation: MPNP定期发布适用于合格申请人的邀请,这些申请人被认为是曼省境内和海外战略招聘计划的一部分。MPNP决定邀请的发布情况,申请人无法自我选择。
d) 评分系统 Points Assessment: 除了以上提到的三种联系外,还需要满足评分标准。如果没有与曼省联系,无论分数多高都不能申请。以下为评分标准,满分为100分,通过分为60分:
因素 1: 语言(最高分25分)
Language Proficiency | Points awarded |
First language | |
CLB 8 or higher | 20 |
CLB 7 | 18 |
CLB 6 | 16 |
CLB 5 | 14 |
CLB 4 | 12 |
CLB 3 or lower | |
Second language | |
CLB 5 or higher | 5 |
Maximum Points – Factor 1 | 25 (25% of total) |
因素 2:年龄(最高分10分)
Age | Points awarded |
18 | 4 |
19 | 6 |
20 | 8 |
21 to 45 | 10 |
46 | 8 |
47 | 6 |
48 | 4 |
49 | 2 |
50 or older | 0 |
Maximum Points – Factor 2 | 10 (10% of Total) |
因素 3: 工作经验(最高分15分)
Years of work experience | Points awarded |
less than one year | 0 |
one year | 8 |
two years | 10 |
three years | 12 |
four years or more | 15 |
Maximum Points – Factor 3 | 15 (15% of Total) |
因素 4: 教育(最高分25分)
Highest level of education | Points awarded |
Master’s degree or Doctorate | 25 |
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each | 23 |
One post-secondary program of two years or longer | 20 |
One one-year post-secondary program | 14 |
Trade certificate | 14 |
No formal post-secondary education | 0 |
Maximum Points – Factor 4 | 25 (25% of Total) |
因素 5: 适应能力(最高分25分)
Connection to Manitoba | Points awarded |
Close relative in Manitoba | 20 |
Invitation to Apply received from the MPNP as part of a recruitment mission or exploratory visit | 20 |
Previous work experience in Manitoba (at least six months) | 12 |
Completed post-secondary program of two years or more in Manitoba | 12 |
Completed post-secondary program of at least one academic year in Manitoba | 10 |
Friend or distant relative living in Manitoba | 10 |
Regional Immigration | 5 |
Maximum Points – Factor 5 | 25 (25% of Total) |
2. 商业移民:曼省商业移民适用于打算去曼省开办新企业或者收购现有企业,并且积极参与企业管理的申请人。曼省商业移民申请人需满足的条件:
- 至少有35万加币的个人净资产;
- 至少有3年成功的企业所有权以及企业管理经验,或者3年企业高级管理经验;
- 曼省评分达到60分;
- 参加曼省官员的面试;
- 在曼省投资;
- 与随行家庭成员一起定居曼省;
- 可能需要对曼省进行考察访问;
- 语言成绩证明。
1. 曼省EOI概述:
曼省的EOI(Expression of Interest)是曼省自有的一个在线选拔系统,跟EE系统类似。提交曼省EOI不收费,也没有最低分数限制,但是分数高的申请人会被优先选拔。
2. 曼省EOI申请流程:
1) 申请人需要先注册EOI账号,在线回答一系列问题,但是暂时不需要上传文件。
2) 申请人提交EOI后,会进入候选池,每个人都会得到一个分数。
3) MPNP会定期从池子里选拔分数较高的申请人,发省提名邀请。
4) 社区内容收到省提名邀请后,需要在60天内提交完整的省提名申请。
3. 曼省EOI评分标准:
因素1: 语言(最高分125分)
Language Proficiency | Ranking Points |
First Official Language | |
CLB 8 or higher | 25 per band |
CLB 7 | 22 per band |
CLB 6 | 20 per band |
CLB 5 | 17 per band |
CLB 4 | 12 per band |
CLB 3 or lower | |
Second Official Language | |
CLB 5 or higher (overall) | 25 |
Maximum Points – Factor 1 | 125 |
因素 2: 年龄(最高分75分)
Age | Ranking Points |
18 | 20 |
19 | 30 |
20 | 40 |
21 to 45 | 75 |
46 | 40 |
47 | 30 |
48 | 20 |
49 | 10 |
50 or older | 0 |
Maximum Points – Factor 2 | 75 |
因素 3: 工作经验(最高分175分)
Additional points for licensing are ONLY awarded to those candidates who are working in professions or trades that require licensing in Manitoba and have completed ALL necessary steps to be able to seek employment in Manitoba. Evidence of this is required at the time an application is submitted to the MPNP.
Years of work experience | Ranking Points |
less than one year | |
one year | 40 |
two years | 50 |
three years | 60 |
four years or more | 75 |
Fully recognized by provincial licensing body | 100 |
Maximum Points – Factor 3 | 175 |
因素 4: 教育(最高分125分)
Highest level of completed education | Ranking Points |
Master’s degree or Doctorate | 125 |
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each | 115 |
One post-secondary program of three years or more | 110 |
One post-secondary program of two years | 100 |
One-year post-secondary program | 70 |
Trade Certificate | 70 |
No formal post-secondary education | 0 |
Maximum Points – Factor 4 | 125 |
因素 5: 适应能力(最高分500分)
Adaptability Factor | Ranking Points |
Connection to Manitoba | |
Close relative in Manitoba | 200 |
Previous authorized work experience in Manitoba (six months or more) | 100 |
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (two years or more) | 100 |
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (one year) | 50 |
Close friend or distant relative in Manitoba | 50 |
Manitoba Demand | |
Ongoing employment in Manitoba for six months or more with long-term job offer from the same employer | 500 |
Invitation to Apply under a Strategic Initiative | 500 |
Regional Development | |
Immigration destination in Manitoba outside of Winnipeg | 50 |
Maximum Points – Factor 5 | 500 |
因素 6: 风险评估 Risk Assessment(最高扣200分)
Risk Factor | Ranking Points |
Close relative in another province and no close relative in Manitoba | 0 |
Work experience in another province | -100 |
Studies in another province | -100 |
Previous immigration application to another province | 0 |
Maximum Points – Factor 6 | -200 |
避免在没有法律知识的情况下填写表格。一旦申请被拒,记录将保留在移民档案中。寻求由加拿大移民和公民顾问学院 (CICC) 指定的有经验的移民顾问的帮助,请今天就联系通加移民事务所的服务热线:(647)797-2318 或发邮件至 预约咨询!